Since 1945
Only 5 km far from the sea, on a flat area with a very deep loam soil, 140 hectars wide, the Farm House Incantalupi enjoy a special microclimate that suits any kind of mediterranean horticultural and tree crop. Together with peaches, apples, plums, olives, almonds, oranges and lemons, even vegetables, cereals and forage grow on the farm, according to the crop rotation that enables to keep the fields under continuous production and to improve it.
Our Products
1. The olive grove
Very important in the farm is the 70 hectares wide olive grove: it consists of very old Celina di Nardò and Ogliarola olive trees, planted 100 years ago on 30 hectares and new intensive cultivation of Leccino, Frantoio, Cima di Melfi, Picholine, Toscanina, Simone e Pendolino olive trees, known for the intense and fruity taste of the oil they give. It is an organic agriculture, that is to say that we use only natural fertilizers and we exclude synthetic petrochemical fertilizers and: this method sustains the health of soil and eco system. The olives are picked up directly from the plant in November and December, sometimes by means of a tree-shaking device, and they are suddenly processed in order to avoid fermentation. Cold pressing do not change the olive chemical makeup. Instead, it maintains the highest levels of its healthy components, like monounsaturated fatty acids and a high content of antioxidants, like polyphenols , which make the olive oil the most healthy condiment.
2. The Orchards
About 40 hectares of the farm are planted with various varieties of fruit. The organic agriculture, which avoids any kind of chemical pesticides, uses only natural fertilizers : it made various auxiliary specie sto grow , in order to control the proliferation of harmful parasites. Six hectares are planted with peach trees of the following varieties Francoise, Springcrest, Maycrest, Iris rossa and Romea. Thirty hectares are planted with almonds trees Genco and Filippo Ceo variety. Midnight sun, Angeleno and Stanley plums occupy the rest of the farm, together with Primgold e Delbarstivale apples, Femminiello lemons and Washington . A part of the farm is cultivated with rotation crops: barley, spelled, oats, durum wheat, soft wheat and Senator Cappelli grain and Korasan Kamut grain ut.